Birth12 Aug 1921, Sumner, Tallahatchie Co., MS27,41,42,43,45
Residence1930, Beat 1, Humphreys, Mississippi, USA45
MemoMarital Status: SingleRelation to Head: Daughter
Residence1935, Minter City, Lefore, MS42
Memowith John and Inez Leonard (sister)
Residence1940, Beat, Leflore, MS
Residence1986, Annandale, VA46
Death18 Sep 1992, Fairfax, VA41,43,44
MemoChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder
FatherPhilip Adison TRUITT (1883-1960)
MotherCallie Franklin GRANTHAM (1885-1965)
Birth27 Feb 1911, Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania34,27,28,32,33,29,31,35
Memo36 East New St.
Residence1920, Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania29
MemoRelation to Head: SonResidence Marital Status: Single
Residence1930, Maywood, Arlington Co., VA28
MemoMarital Status: SingleRelation to Head: Son; 315 Columbia St.; with parents; salesman, paint store
Residence1935, Washington, District of Columbia31
Residence1937, Washington, District of Columbia
MemoCumberland Evening Times , December 17, 1937 C. Russell Scholl and son Charles, Washington, DC are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs O M Marquis, Cumberland street
Residence1940, Washington, District of Columbia33,31
Memo1836 16th St.; boarder; waiter in a restaurant; wife and son lodgers on Illinosi Ave,
Residence1967, Suitland, Maryland36
Memo4731 Huron Ave.; salesmen, G.E.M. Stores
Death29 Mar 1967, Washington, District of Columbia32,34
MemoCasualty Hospital
Burial1 Apr 1967, Lancaster Cemetery, Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA36
MemoRev. C.E. Wonderley, off.
Marriage12 Nov 1943, District of Columbia, USA27
ChildrenCarl Russell (1945-)
John Phillip (1948-)
Phyllis Diane (1949-)
Notes for Mildred Evelynn TRUITT
Family stories said she was a menopause baby. Her mother didn't want to raise her, so gave her to oldest sister, Inez. She found this out in her teens. She graduated from high school with a goal to go to college to become an English teacher, but World War II drew her to Washington, D.C. She met her husband on a streetcar and a short time later was married. The couple was very happy in domestic life until 6 mos. after a third child was born. She then found out husband was a philanderer and chose alcohol as way to cope. She lost custody of the 2 youngest children (John and Diane) in 1959 and had a bitter life until husband died (1967). Her oldest child (Carl) took care of her before and after her husband's death. She joined Alcoholics Anonymous and made a succesfful recovery. She was proficient bowler. Her youngest child and only daughter (Diane) re-met her in 1977 and continued They developed a close, caring relationship until Evelyn's death. Her second child remet (John) her in 1979 and continued in a caring relationship until her death. He was the primary caregiver in her last year. She last resided at Annandale, VA.
Title: SCHOLLfam
Notes for Carl Russell (Spouse 1)
Cumberland Evening Times , May 31, 1935
Mr and Mrs Orville M. Marquis announce the marriage of their daughter, Claire to C Russell Scholl son of Mr and Mrs John A Scholl Lancaster and Washington DC The wedding took place Thursday, May 23rd at Annapolis. The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs, J. Kenneth Yeatman, Washington.
Mrs. Scholl is a graduate of Allegany High School, class of 1932 and holds a position with the Federal Emergency Relief Administration in Washington
Mr. Scholl was graduated from Roosevelt High School, Washington, and Felix Mahoney's School of Fine and Applied Arts, and is employed with Fries, Beall & Sharp Company, Washington.
Mr. & Mrs. Scholl will reside in Washington
Cumberland Times , December 27, 1936
Brilliant Christmas Affair Attracts More Than One Hundred Couples
More than one hundred couples, including a number from out-of-town, attended the Christmas Dance of the Lafayette Club at the Queen City Hotel Friday night. The affair was the first large holiday function of the season. Music for the dance was furnished by the Society Ramblers.
Members of the committee in charge were Louis H. Cross, Elmer E. Welsh, Martin G. Walters and Martin L. Johnson.
The club will also entertain Thursday night at the hotel with a New Year's Eve hall from 10 until 2 o'clock. A noted broadcasting orchestra from Philadelphia has been engaged.
Those present at the Christmas dance were: … Ruth Marquis. Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell Scholl...
Cumberland Evening Times , December 17, 1937
Mrs Russell Scholl and son Charles, Washington, DC are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs O M Marquis, Cumberland street
Cumberland Evening Times , June 21, 1938
Mrs Russell Scholl, James Muray and E McConchie returned to Washington after visiting Mr and Mrs O M Marquis