Melchior ERISMAN died in 1740 in Lancaster, PA. Melchior was a Swiss Mennonite who most likely came from the Palatinate in Germany. An allotment of 675 acres of land along the Conestoga Creek was made to Hans Tuber, Isaac Coffman, and "Melkerman" in 1717. A misprint occurred in this record and "Melkerman" appears instead of Melchior Erisman. Melchior is listed among those taxable in the Conestoga Rate for the years 1718 through 1726 when what is now Lancaster Co was still a part of Chester Co. His name is spelled various ways in these records, including Arisman, Irishman and Erishman.
Source: James Ryan Family Tree on
Melchior first appears in the American records when he made a land warrant application for 675 acres of land along the Conestoga Creek, Strasburg Twp., Chester Co., PA with Hans Tuber and Isaac Coffman on Sep. 27, 1717. On this warrant his name was given as Melker Erisman.
In Aug. 1717 three ships carrying a total of 363 Mennonite passengers arrived in Philadelphia, PA from London. The names of the ships are not known nor are there any ship lists which contain the names of the passengers. It is hypothesized that Melchior and his wife arrived on one of these ships, along with the families of Hans Tuber and Isaac Coffman, and settled in Lancaster Co. then Chester Co., PA. At this time, the lack of ship lists or other detailed information make it impossible to prove this hypothesis but it does seem to be highly likely since it had been decided by the Mennonite leaders in Feb. 1717 that Pennsylvania would be the new gathering place for them.
Melchior signed a qualification list for foreigners that pledged his allegiance to the Queen of England in 1729. The introduction to this list states: "Whereas divers Protestants, whowere subjects to the Emperor of Germany, a Prince in Amity with the Crown of Great Britain, transported themselves and Estates into the Province of Pennsylvania, between the years One Thousand Seven Hundred and One Thousand seven hundred and Eighteen:" This is the only information I have found that positively dates his immigration.
The above mentioned warranted land later became a part of Lancaster Co. when it was formed from Chester Co. in 1729. The land was surveyed on Oct. 14, 1717 as part of tracts that totaled 2,375 acres. Melchior later had this land surveyed in Nov. 1719 but this survey return can not now be found. Melchior received the patent for this land on Nov. 11, 1734. The patent was for two tracts of land totaling 270 acres. The first was bounded by lands of "Hans Proupather (John Brubaker), John Moyer, John Tuber (the above Hans Tubert)" and the Little Conestoga Creek and contained 150 acres. The second was bounded by lands of "Andreas Coffman, Isaac Coffman, John Tuber, Abraham Heer" and "Conestogoe Manor" and contained 120 acres. Undoubtedly this John Moyer was the John Meyer (or Myer) whose two sons married two of Melchior's daughters.
Melchoir is listed among those taxable in the Conestogoe Rate for the years 1718 through 1726 when what is now Lancaster Co. was still a part of Chester Co. His name is spelled various ways in these records including Arisman, Irishman and Ehrishman.
Melchior died intestate in 1740 and his inventory which included "horse geird,wagon, and plowes", was dated Aug. 18, 1740. Odey Erishman, Henry Rote (not legible), & Christian Stoneman were bonded for 350L on Oct. 15, 1740 for Melchoir's estate. On July 25, 1760 the heirs of Melchior granted the first tract of land above that contained 150 acres to his son Daniel and the second tract above that contained 120 acres along the Little Conestoga Creek to his son Jacob. On Feb. 20, 1740, 538 acres of land along the Conestoga Creek in Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., PA was patented to Edith Erisman. This land was made up of two tracts of land, one totaled 204 acres while the other totaled 334 acres. The rights to both of these tracts were applied for by Melchior before his death and were finally obtained by Edith as his executrix. The 204 acre tract was surveyed for Thomas Falknor who sold his rights to the land to Melchior before his decease. This land was warranted to Edith on June 4, 1740 and was bounded by land of Christian Eby. The 334 acre tract was part of a 600 acre tract warranted to John & Jacob Snevely on June 24, 1723. The rights to 334 acres of this land was given to Melchior on Jan. 24, 1733. When surveyed in 1740 the tract was bounded by land of Nicholas Erb.
The "Widow Irishman" is listed in the Lancaster Twp. tax lists for 1751 and 1756. In 1756 she was taxed 15 Pounds for: 200 acres of land, 1 horse, 3 mares, 11 cattle & 11 sheep. Also in 1756 a twenty year old son of hers was listed as a Freeman and taxed 10 Pounds. In 1757 her son Daniel was now taxed for the 200 acres of land. Edith died intestate and in a number of deeds her heirs granted her lands to three of her sons-in-law. On July 25, 1760 the 204 acre tract was granted to her son-in-law John Habecker, 63 acres of the 334 acre tract was granted to her son-in-law Christian Myer while the remaining 271 acres of this tract was granted to her son-in-law Jacob Habecker.
Hershey/Erisman Cemetery notes and/or description:
Southwest Corner of Abbeyville Road and Meadow Creek Road west of city in Lancaster Township. Shown on 1864 map but no trace was found in 1981 according to A. Hunter Rineer, Jr in Churches and Cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Melchior ERISMAN born: 1699, Rued, Aargau, Switzerland, died in 1740 in Lancaster, PA. Melchior was a Swiss Mennonite who most likely came from the Palatinate in Germany. An allotment of 675 acres of land along the Conestoga Creek was made to Hans Tuber, Isaac Coffman, and "Melkerman" in 1717. A misprint occurred in this record and "Melkerman" appears instead of Melchior Erisman. Melchior is listed among those taxable in the Conestoga Rate for the years 1718 through 1726 when what is now Lancaster Co was still a part of Chester Co. His name is spelled various ways in these records, including Arisman, Irishman and Erishman. Melchior died intestate in 1740.
He was married to Edith (Odey). Their childern were: Addey, Barbara, Mary, Anne, Magdelena, JACOB, Daniel, & Elizabeth.3
On Feb. 20, 1740, 538 acres of land along the Conestoga Creek in Warwick Twp., LancasterCo., PA was patented to Edith Erisman. This land was made up of two tracts ofland, one totaled 204 acres while the other totaled 334 acres. The rights to both of these tracts were applied for by Melchior before his death and were finally obtained by Edith as his executrix. The 204 acre tract was surveyed for Thomas Falknor who sold his rights to the land to Melchior before his decease. This land was warranted to Edith on June 4, 1740 and was bounded by land of Christian Eby. The 334 acre tract was part of a 600 acre tract warranted to John & Jacob Snevely on June 24, 1723. The rights to 334 acres of this land was given to Melchior on Jan. 24, 1733. When surveyed in 1740 the tract was bounded by land of Nicholas Erb. The "Widow Irishman" is listed in the Lancaster Twp. tax lists for 1751 and 1756. In 1756 she was taxed 15 Pounds for: 200 acres of land, 1 horse, 3 mares, 11 cattle & 11 sheep. Also in 1756 a twenty year old son of hers was listed as a Freeman and taxed 10 Pounds. In 1757 her son Danielwas now taxed for the 200 acres of land. Edith died intestate and in a numberof deeds her heirs granted her lands to three of her sons-in-law. On July 25,1760 the 204 acre tract was granted to her son-in-law John Habecker, 63 acres of the 334 acre tract was granted to her son-in-law Christian Myer while the remaining 271 acres of this tract was granted to her son-in-law Jacob Habecker.
Source: Oliver J. Smith IV